Sunday, September 22, 2019


At this point, I normally wouldn't make a post about cutting out the forms, but I tried a new way of doing it.
I tried cutting them out on a scroll saw, in order to cut closer to the line than I can with the jigsaw. This is 3/4" MDF, and the scroll saw struggles with it a little, but it definitely made sanding to the line easier. If I had the skill/guts, I could cut right to the line with the scroll saw. It was also a good way to cut the "split" forms apart. Speaking of which, I managed to lose one half of form 17, and had to make another one by tracing from the other side

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Starting A New Build

I got plans for a Cape Ann Storm SLT. I had/have some trepidation about the small size.
One the one hand:
 The max paddler weight is 160, and I now weigh a whopping 167.
 The max loading weight is 200, and I may come close to that, including gear.
 The performance might be lousy at the max weight.
 It might be an uncomfortable fit.
On the other hand:
 Vaclav's plans always seemed to run a little larger than expected.
 Vaclav's limits & dimensions are based more on technical data than practice.
 I sought advice on Nick's message board, and the "experts" assured me that it would be fine.
 I'll finally be building the small, "grab & go" kayak.
 I'm trying to lose 10 pounds this winter.
 If its too small, someone else might find it appropriate.😉
I'm also going to try pawlonia for the hull.